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A Lifetime Beautifully Filled

A Heritage of Adventure and Achievement

The life of Davidoff Cigars is the life of Zino Davidoff. His brilliant savoir vivre infused all aspects of cigar craftsmanship and enjoyment. A visionary in all regards, Zino was a man who ensured time, like each of his cigars, was always beautifully filled.

Explore His Stories

Born to The Craft

Zino Davidoff is born in Kiev in 1906 to a long line of tobacconists.

The rise of certain political factions spurs the family to move to Switzerland when Zino is just five. His father, Henri, opens Davidoff of Geneva, a fine tobacco shop.

Rites of Passage

Zino grows up with rich scents and busy commerce but as his business grows so does his desire for adventure.

He travels to the lush hillsides of Central and South Americas and the Caribbean, where he immerses himself in the tobacconist’s rites of passage.

The farmers and labourers he meets in the tropics teach him the rhythms of soil, sun and rain.

Changing with The World

Now versed in field work, Zino returns to Europe as it prepares for war.

He channels the heightened energy of the era into his family’s store.

Under Zino’s vision, the Davidoff family installs the world’s first climate-controlled room in the store in Geneva. His innovation is a hallmark of the tobacconist to this day.

Protecting for Posterity

As the war approaches the shores of Lake Geneva, Zino maintains his verve.

France fears for its tobacco stock against invading forces and approaches Davidoff of Geneva for assistance.

Humbly, Zino acquires the Parisian inventory of cigars, protecting them for Europeans to enjoy in later peacetime.

Cigar Lovers Come Calling

Zino’s store catapults into prominence as a new, cosmopolitan hotspot.

Davidoff of Geneva is a place of warmth.

Customers become friends as they share cigars and forget the strain of wartime. King Farouk of Egypt, Baron Rothschild, writer Orson Welles and actress Gina Lollobrigida follow their love of fine cigars to Zino’s door.

Davidoff of Geneva becomes Davidoff of the World.

Inspired Inventions

Continually absorbed by his love of cigars and his drive to keep them at the peak of perfection, Zino invents a new accessory.

Inspired by memories of the sultry air of the tropics, he creates a humidified box to preserve the richness of his tobacco.

He calls his sophisticated new contraption a “humidor.”

An icon is born

With the arrival of more peaceful times, Zino unveils the first Davidoff branded cigars.

The Chateau Series, including the acclaimed Grand Cru, named after a joyous evening enjoying Bordeaux wines.

Building on their success, they release another world-class cigar series, including the famed Davidoff No. 1, No. 2 and Ambassadrice.

Booming Business

A seasoned tobacconist now, Zino shares his treasured cigars worldwide.

In 1970, he asks his friend, Dr. Ernst Schneider, to join him in business. The two encourage each other to create progressively exceptional cigars and accessories.

With each reveal, Zino deepens his reputation as the world’s premier tobacconist.

Expanding Horizons

Always encouraged by his love for fine tobacco, Zino discovers a Honduran plant and launches a line of hand-selected Honduran cigars made specifically for America.

In 1987, he opens Davidoff of Geneva in New York City.

The New Generation of Davidoff

As the 20th century closes, Zino presides proudly over a new global launch.

The New Generation of Davidoff comprises 28 formats from the smallest cigarillos to the majestic Double Coronas, all hand-selected and hand-crafted.

These cigars are a celebration of the lifelong devotion, exploration and innovation of Zino Davidoff, a man thoroughly passionate about cigars, fine tobacco and the vibrancy of a life well-lived.


From luxury excursions to international art exhibits, The World of Davidoff has expanded to include distinguished cultural perspectives worldwide.


A Lifetime Beautifully Filled

A Heritage of Adventure and Achievement

The life of Davidoff Cigars is the life of Zino Davidoff. His brilliant savoir vivre infused all aspects of cigar craftsmanship and enjoyment. A visionary in all regards, Zino was a man who ensured time, like each of his cigars, was always beautifully filled.

Explore His Stories

Born to The Craft

Zino Davidoff is born in Kiev in 1906 to a long line of tobacconists.

The rise of certain political factions spurs the family to move to Switzerland when Zino is just five. His father, Henri, opens Davidoff of Geneva, a fine tobacco shop.

Rites of Passage

Zino grows up with rich scents and busy commerce but as his business grows so does his desire for adventure.

He travels to the lush hillsides of Central and South Americas and the Caribbean, where he immerses himself in the tobacconist’s rites of passage.

The farmers and labourers he meets in the tropics teach him the rhythms of soil, sun and rain.

Changing with The World

Now versed in field work, Zino returns to Europe as it prepares for war.

He channels the heightened energy of the era into his family’s store.

Under Zino’s vision, the Davidoff family installs the world’s first climate-controlled room in the store in Geneva. His innovation is a hallmark of the tobacconist to this day.

Protecting for Posterity

As the war approaches the shores of Lake Geneva, Zino maintains his verve.

France fears for its tobacco stock against invading forces and approaches Davidoff of Geneva for assistance.

Humbly, Zino acquires the Parisian inventory of cigars, protecting them for Europeans to enjoy in later peacetime.

Cigar Lovers Come Calling

Zino’s store catapults into prominence as a new, cosmopolitan hotspot.

Davidoff of Geneva is a place of warmth.

Customers become friends as they share cigars and forget the strain of wartime. King Farouk of Egypt, Baron Rothschild, writer Orson Welles and actress Gina Lollobrigida follow their love of fine cigars to Zino’s door.

Davidoff of Geneva becomes Davidoff of the World.

Inspired Inventions

Continually absorbed by his love of cigars and his drive to keep them at the peak of perfection, Zino invents a new accessory.

Inspired by memories of the sultry air of the tropics, he creates a humidified box to preserve the richness of his tobacco.

He calls his sophisticated new contraption a “humidor.”

An icon is born

With the arrival of more peaceful times, Zino unveils the first Davidoff branded cigars.

The Chateau Series, including the acclaimed Grand Cru, named after a joyous evening enjoying Bordeaux wines.

Building on their success, they release another world-class cigar series, including the famed Davidoff No. 1, No. 2 and Ambassadrice.

Booming Business

A seasoned tobacconist now, Zino shares his treasured cigars worldwide.

In 1970, he asks his friend, Dr. Ernst Schneider, to join him in business. The two encourage each other to create progressively exceptional cigars and accessories.

With each reveal, Zino deepens his reputation as the world’s premier tobacconist.

Expanding Horizons

Always encouraged by his love for fine tobacco, Zino discovers a Honduran plant and launches a line of hand-selected Honduran cigars made specifically for America.

In 1987, he opens Davidoff of Geneva in New York City.

The New Generation of Davidoff

As the 20th century closes, Zino presides proudly over a new global launch.

The New Generation of Davidoff comprises 28 formats from the smallest cigarillos to the majestic Double Coronas, all hand-selected and hand-crafted.

These cigars are a celebration of the lifelong devotion, exploration and innovation of Zino Davidoff, a man thoroughly passionate about cigars, fine tobacco and the vibrancy of a life well-lived.


From luxury excursions to international art exhibits, The World of Davidoff has expanded to include distinguished cultural perspectives worldwide.


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